Office of the Registrar
Summer 2023 Academic Calendar
Page Content
Summer 2023 Add/Drop/Withdraw Deadlines (updated 12-8-2022)
Calendar Date |
Full Term |
Summer Session I |
Summer Session II |
Class dates |
May 30 - July 28 |
May 30-June 28 |
June 29-July 28 |
Last day to add/drop without academic/ financial penalty |
June 6 |
June 1 |
July 3 |
Last day to receive 100% refund (No tuition credit issued after this date) |
June 6 | June 1 | July 3 |
Last day to drop classes without instructor permission |
June 6 | June 1 | July 3 |
All approved drops will result in grade of W within these dates |
June 7 - July 12 |
June 2-June 16 |
July 4 -July 18 |
Last day to make an add/drop course request or withdraw from the University and receive a grade of W |
July 12 | June 16 | July 18 |
After the last day to withdraw from the University, students are academically obligated and will receive a grade for all enrolled courses.
Full List of Summer 2023 Dates (updated 9-30-2022)
Admissions Deadlines |
Tuesday, May 23 |
Deadline for summer freshman admission - Please see Office of Admissions for more information Freshman students who intend to enroll at Southern Miss for the summer 2023 semester must be offered admission on or before. |
Tuesday, May 23 | Deadline for summer transfer admission - Please see Office of Admissions for more information Transfer students who intend to enroll at Southern Miss for the summer 2023 semester must be offered admission on or before. |
Monday, May 22 |
Deadline for summer 2023 readmission - Please see Office of Admissions for more information Previously enrolled students who intend to reenroll at Southern Miss for the summer 2023 semester must be offered readmission on or before. Previously enrolled students who are on admissions suspension, academic probation, probation continued, or academic suspension must submit all necessary documentation by this date in order to be considered for readmission for. |
Advisement Dates |
Wednesday, March 1 - Tuesday, March 7 | Priority Advisement for summer and fall terms |
Wednesday, March 8 | Open registration for summer and fall terms will be available for all currently enrolled students. Undergraduate students that have their advisement hold removed by their academic department will be able to register starting this date. |
Academic Dates |
Monday, May 22 |
Previously enrolled students who are on admissions suspension, academic probation, probation continued, or academic suspension must submit all necessary documentation by this date in order to be considered for readmission. |
Monday, May 29 |
MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY (Classes do not meet) |
Tuesday, May 30 |
Full term and Summer Session I classes begin ($50.00 late registration fee) |
Thursday, June 1 |
First day to submit a Summer 2023 Very Late Degree Application at the $125 late application fee. Graduate Students, please visit the grad student deadlines page at |
Thursday, June 1 |
Last day to add/drop Summer Session I classes without academic or financial penalty without a grade of W and receive 100% tuition credit |
Tuesday, June 6 |
Last day to add/drop Full Term classes without academic or financial penalty without a grade of W and receive 100% tuition credit |
Friday, June 16 |
Last day to withdraw from Summer Session I and receive a W grade |
Wednesday, June 28 |
Final exams for Summer Session I |
Thursday, June 29 |
Summer Session II classes begin Last day to submit Very Late Degree Application for Summer 2023 at $125 late fee. Graduate Students, please visit the grad student deadlines page at |
Saturday, July 1 |
First day to submit a Summer 2023 Rush Degree Application at the $175 late application fee. Last day to file application for undergraduate degree for fall 2023 commencement at the $50 fee. Last day to file application for graduate degree for fall 2023 commencement without an increased late fee. Graduate Students, please visit the grad student deadlines page at |
Monday, July 3 |
Last day to add/drop Summer Session II classes without academic or financial penalty without a grade of W and receive 100% tuition credit. Summer full term interim grades submission due into SOAR by 5:00 p.m. |
Tuesday, July 4 |
INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY (Classes do not meet) |
Wednesday, July 12 |
Last day to withdraw from full term and receive a W grade. |
Friday, July 14 |
Last day to submit Rush Degree Application for Summer 2023 at $175 late fee. Graduate Students, please visit the grad student deadlines page at |
Saturday, July 15 |
First day to submit Extreme Exception Application for Summer 2023 at $275 late fee. Graduate Students, please visit the grad student deadlines page at |
Tuesday, July 18 |
Last day to withdrawal from Summer Session II and receive a W grade. |
Thursday, July 27 |
Final exams for full term TTH classes |
Friday, July 28 |
Last day for full term classes Final exams for Summer Session II Final exams for full term MWF classes |
Friday, July 28 |
Last day to submit a Summer 2023 Extreme Exception Degree Application at the $275 late application fee. Graduate Students, please visit the grad student deadlines page at |
Monday, July 31 | Final grade due into SOAR by 11:00 a.m. |
Monday - Tuesday, July 31 - Aug. 1 |
Registrar’s Office processes end of term grades. |
Wednesday, Aug. 2 | Grades available to view in SOAR |