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Honors College

Honors Thesis IACUC Approval

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Do I need INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE (IACUC) approval for my Honors thesis research?

  1. Complete CITI Training, including the Vertebrate Animals Research module!
  2. Discuss IACUC approval with your thesis advisor!

If you are planning to conduct research that involves animals, you must complete the IACUC training course of CITI and seek IACUC approval prior to experimentation and data collection.

Animal research requiring IACUC approval:

  • Conducting experiments with live vertebrates
  • Conducting field studies with animals that involve capturing, tagging, blood sampling, invasive procedures or manipulations
  • Collaborative studies with scientists at other institutions if they fit one or both of the previously listed categories.

Consult with your thesis adviser about the need for IACUC approval!

If you are playing a role in your thesis advisor’s research project for which an active IACUC approval already exists, you and your advisor must submit a modification form that lists you as additional participant. A student cannot be named as Principal Investigator (PI) on an IACUC form.

If you and/or your thesis advisor are not sure whether your thesis research requires IACUC approval, contact iacucFREEMississippi for clarification.


How do I apply for IACUC approval?

Go to the Southern Miss IACUC page for more information and access to IACUC forms.

Email the completed, signed application form and appendices to your thesis advisor. Your advisor will review and sign your forms, which then must be reviewed and approved by the School Director, who will submit the application documents to iacucFREEMississippi. In addition, hard copies of the signed cover sheet and assurance statements must be submitted to Ms. Jo Ann Johnson, Box 5116.


How long does it usually take the IACUC to review and approve my application?

Usually, the IACUC will need approximately 4-6 weeks to review your application once it has been submitted by the School Director (workflow: researcher âž” school director âž” IACUC); if changes are needed and/or additional information is requested, the review process will take longer.

It is imperative that you initiate the application process as soon as you have developed your research protocol and have obtained approval from your thesis advisor.

You should ensure that you provide the IACUC with all requested information and address all concerns. It pays to prepare a thorough application!

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Honors College
Honor House
118 College Drive #5162
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Hattiesburg Campus

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