Faculty Senate
Overview of Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate provides a forum and a voice for the faculty to assert its distinctive
viewpoint and principles for the general welfare of the university. As duly elected
representatives of the faculty, the Faculty Senate acts on matters relating to due
process, governance, resource allocation, and university planning.
Together with the Staff Council and the , the Faculty Senate provides input to the University's Executive Cabinet through its President and through voted recommendations and resolutions.
Resources for faculty development, including teaching workshops and the leadership institute, may be found at the Center for Faculty Development.
Current OfficersCurrent Members
The Faculty Senate meets at 2:00 p.m. on the first Friday of each month, except January, July, and August. Meetings are open to the public.
Work of the Faculty Senate is organized into committees that focus on particular issues, for example, academics, finance, and welfare.
The Faculty Senate expresses its viewpoints and suggestions to the University Administration through resolutions.