Dr. Alen Hajnal
Dr. Hajnal's research focuses on perception and action, affordances, time series analysis of perceptual, motor and physiological processes. Recent empirical work includes the use of virtual reality technology and motion capture systems. Dr. Hajnal regularly publishes in and conducts ad hoc peer review for the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, Ecological Psychology, Experimental Brain Research, and others. Please check out Dr. Hajnal's Lab webpage for more information: https://sites.google.com/view/paclab
- Ecological Psychology (PHD) - University of Connecticut (2007)
PSY420 - Sensation and Perception
PSY425 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY360 - Undergraduate Statistics
PSY361 - Research Methods
PSY475 - Senior Seminar
PSY726 - Perception
PSY783 - MATLAB Programming for Behavioral Scientists
- International Society for Ecological Psychology
- Psychonomic Society
- Vision Science Society
- English (Full Professional)
- Hungarian (Native or Bilingual)
- Croatian (Native or Bilingual)
- Serbian (Native or Bilingual)